An Artistic Look at All Things Food
I love food. I love art. This website combines the two.
It also offers a peek into my food journey. When my husband and I were first married, I didn’t know how to cook. Like, at all. Though my mother had tried to teach me as a teenager, I strongly resisted her efforts. The result was complete ignorance in the kitchen.
I found myself struggling to pull even simple meals together, and my techniques were lacking. Honestly, I didn’t even realize there was such a thing as “cooking techniques.” This led to a lot of cold cereal, eating out, and a few culinary disasters (including an apricot chicken situation that was perhaps the driest form of meat ever consumed, and a particularly unfortunate steak incident of which we do not speak).
But there’s hope! Here’s the great thing I discovered: FOOD CAN TASTE GOOD! And it isn’t even that hard. I learned that I can do it. You can do it too!
On this website I’ll share recipes as well as tips and tricks, plus some of my favorite things relating to food (like products and restaurant recommendations). I hope you’ll join me!
The name of my website comes from my great grandmother. She immigrated to the United States from Germany and as she learned English, she was always interested in colloquialisms. One of the things she found funny was how we sometimes use the word “plate” to mean an entree served, and also the tableware it’s served on. So she would often tell my dad and his siblings, “eat the plate, but don’t eat the plate!”
When my grandmother died, I inherited her mother’s china. It was one of the few luxuries my great grandmother brought with her from Germany. She had carefully wrapped the pieces in the family’s quilts to protect them as they crossed the Atlantic Ocean on the ship. Though I never met my great grandmother, this china provides me with a connection to her. I think she would be happy to know that I continue to remind people not to eat the plate.
What’s In a Name?
What You’ll Find on This Website
This website is a place for me to share some of my favorite things about food. This includes recipes, chef spotlights, products I love, restaurants to try and more.
It is also a place for me to explore food art. This means you’ll see a variety of art styles, media, and technique with the common thread being that the work revolves around food.
What You Won’t Find on This Website
Because one of the purposes this website is that it’s a place for me to explore, try things out, and learn new art techniques, do not expect to see a perfectly curated feed here. Sometimes things are messy. Sometimes they don’t work out quite as planned. That’s okay. The kitchen is like that too! As a recovering perfectionist, I’m doing my best to embrace that this is the natural way of life and let go of my tendencies to try to control everything.